Balance. It's a word that has been on my mind quite a lot this year. I've been looking for the perfect balance. Home, kids, school, family, friends, exercise, relaxing. Searching for the perfect mix. Then, it hit me at yoga last week, in tree pose...balancing. Falling out. Balancing again. Wobbling, then balancing again. Oh! Balancing is not a perfect stillness at all. It is a moment of peace, calm, unwavering. Followed by lots of thinking, some shaking, sometimes falling out of the pose altogether. Then you do it again. So, that's balance.
We can do that. So, here's a little winter recap to get back in the swing of things.
One snow storm (so far). Took us longer to gear up than the snowshoeing lasted, but it was funny!
Two cat friends. Sleeping on my Anatomy book. Much like I do, actually.
A warm trip to the local tree farm. By the way, we chose a perfectly nice pre-cut tree in the shed. Then we went on a little hay ride around the field, just for fun.
A little ear nibbling....
Self portrait of my pretty teenager, morning after her semi-formal.
Child's pose. Ahhh...nice.
Mommy made some new owls over winter break! These three were for a friend, but I did some babies for her too, of course. I miss my sewing machine when I'm busy at school.
Yoga with mommy. :)
Sophie! Nothing....there's a blue fish in here! Did you see it?? Can I have it?
Dance parties, naturally. We love dance parties after dinner.
Brown eyes and ice cream cones...
Some days are harder than others when you're 13 and your sister is 4, you see.
And a new haircut for mom. (Boy hates it, but I like it. And besides, it will grow.)
That's all for now. I love my little family.
Balance isn't stillness. It's the condition where an object or person is flexible, strong and perceptive/responsive enough to maintain composure despite the existence of the ever-changing, external surroundings.