Oh, it's been quite a while. So long that my mom said she was worried that I don't have any good things happening anymore. See, I have so many important, interesting blog posts rattling around in my head and just have not taken the time to get them out. So I just avoid my blog and pop around from favorite blog to favorite blog looking for some inspiration. Kind of in a funk you could say. But! Here are some things making me smile these days...
Fall Soccer Games

First Day of Preschool

Mister Camel

Monkey on a Tire Swing

Sheep Love

Goat Friends

Pretty Giraffes
Um, ok. I know I'm getting on board a little late, but I love the goat friends. I have been dreaming about having little pygmie goats in my barn (and having someone else come take care of them) but the fence would have to be really high. Or, we could chain them down, but that reminds me too much of Jurassic Park. Eew. Also, what's with that bird?! Were you standing on your head taking the picture?