Well, we've been here in Newport 10 days now. Today was just a relaxing stay home kind of day. Rachel went off with her dad, and Katie could not get motivated to get dressed, sun screened, and out the door. So we decided to stay in. And I decided to experiment with some baking from my library borrowed Vegan Lunch Box cookbook. Look! here they are

Since Katie was off to bed early today (no nap), Kevin and I had the taste-test duties. While certainly not the same as a gooey, buttery regular croissant, these were great! They are a mixture of whole wheat and white flour, along with vegan butter and some other stuff. Yum. We'll see if Kate likes them for breakfast.
We have fallen into a nice routine here. Even Kate has stopped asking us to take her home at last. That's not to say there hasn't been tears and tantrums...
Or a little too much TV (hey, at least she made her bed...)

Most days we walk to one of the playgrounds (3 within walking distance!!) or the library. Or we take a quick drive to the beach. We found out this week that if we get there early we are just about alone on this gorgeous beach

Daddy catches the girls some hermit crabs, and they suddenly have lots of friends...

With daddy on Kate duty, mommy even gets to relax a bit
We love the beach!!
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