Yesterday was a great day! Katie was a sweetie pie all day...whew. Before leaving, she got her baby dressed and packed up for the trip.

Then we met our friends Heather and Carter for some local blueberry picking in the morning. The orchard was loaded with beautiful juicy berries, and Kate had a blast helping me pick. Her baby was good too.

Blueberry picking was followed by some time in the toddler pool out on the patio, then lunch. After lunch, we picked a nice juicy tomato from our deck garden. Katie looked tentatively at me and asked if she could eat the big tomato. Why not? Yum...
Later, she decided to suit up in her tutu and "go to dance class." She was thrilled to take a car ride wearing only her tutu, diaper and crocs to deliver a treat to a friend.
Bedtime even went smoothly...what a relief. Now let's see if we can have a repeat of that today.
Oh! I finished my first real sewing project a few days ago. A little gym bag for Rachel (who is at her dad's for a couple of days). I hope she loves it as much as I do...